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Physical Development

What Scientists and Experts say

Nature promotes healthy brain development in children

Ever wondered the relevance of nature in your child’s growing years and why it is important to let our children explore nature and all its splendour more often? It...

Does a junk food diet lower children’s IQ?

Recently, research studies have focused on how junk food affects learning in children. While the study results have not been conclusive, the evidence does point to...

Importance of Music in the Early Years of a Child

The Yamaha Keyboard was sitting on a stand three feet from the ground. The 13 month old baby took her tiny unsteady steps and toddled towards it. With her tiny...

Sleep deprivation results in reduced learning

Do you know how much sleep your child needs? Not getting enough sleep can affect the child emotionally and lead to reduced learning in both academic and non-academic...


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